Wednesday 11 January 2012

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bikini model websites 20110817 100_1957.  Seara (sea rabbit), Dr. Takeshi Yamada and beautiful mermaid visiting from Paris, France at Coney Island Beach in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. (August 17, 2011) seafolly swimwear
bikini model websites 20110817 100_1957. Seara (sea rabbit), Dr. Takeshi Yamada and beautiful mermaid visiting from Paris, France at Coney Island Beach in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. (August 17, 2011) seafolly swimwear
The Sea Rabbit (Monafluffchus americanus) of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York â€" This unique sea-dwelling rabbit, which is actually a close relative of the sea lion, was officially discovered! and investigated by Henry Hudson when he first visited this land to colonize the area by order of the Dutch government. It was named New Amsterdam -- today’s New York City. This island was named after he saw the beach covered with strange swimming wild rabbits. The word “Coney Island” means “wild rabbit island” in Dutch (originally Conyne Eylandt, or Konijneneiland in modern Dutch spelling). Sea rabbits were also referred mermaid rabbit, merrabbit, rabbit fish or seal rabbit in the natural history documents in the 17th century. The current conservation status, or risk of extinction, of the sea rabbit is Extinct in the Wild. Takeshi Yamada (å±±ç"° 武司) is an artist with over 600 fine art exhibitions with his paintings and sculptures exhibited internationally in Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Japan, Columbia, and the United States. Yamada and his artworks have also been featured in over 400 online video websites to date. Yamada is also one of the most influential and active educators in New York City with over 60 awards, recognitions and nominations including two “Keys to the City” awarded to him by city mayors. Yamada is also featured in “Who’s Who in America”, “One Thousand Great Americans”, and has been named “International Educator of the Year” by International Biographical Centre in England. He has also taught classes and given public lectures at over 40 educational institutions internationally. Yamada is also a prolific published author of articles, having also published 22 books. In addition, Yamada’s rogue taxidermy artworks of mythic creatures, sideshow! gaffs, cryptozoological artworks, large sideshow banners and showfronts in the last 40 years have been exhibited at dozens of state fairs and festivals annually nationwide, up to and including the present. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference (videos featuring sea rabbits and Dr. Takeshi Yamada): .youtube/watch?v=7Ek-GsW9ay0" .youtube/watch?v=7Ek-GsW9ay0 .youtube/watch?v=jJK04yQUX2o&feature=related" .youtube/watch?v=jJK04yQUX2o&feature=related .youtube/watch?v=XrCCxV5S-EE" .youtube/watch?v=XrCCxV5S-EE .youtube/watch?v=Q0QnW26dQKg&feature=related" .youtube/watch?v=Q0QnW26dQKg&feature=related .youtube/watch?v=GpVCqEjFXk0" .youtube/watch?v=GpVCqEjFXk0 .youtube/watch?v=5NlcIZTFIj8&feature=fvw" .youtube/watch?v=5NlcIZTFIj8&feature=fvw s87.photobucket/albums/k130/katiecavell/NYC 08/Coney Island/?action=view¤t=SeaRabbitVid.mp4" s87.photobucket/albums/k130/katiecavell/NYC%2008/Cone... Reference (flickr): .flickr/photos/searabbit7".flickr/photos/searabbit7 .flickr/photos/searabbit6".flickr/photos/searabbit6 .flickr/photos/searabbit5/".flickr/photos/searabbit5/ .flickr/photos/searabbit4/".flickr/photos/searabbit4/ .flickr/photos/searabbit3/".flickr/photos/searabbit3/ .flickr/photos/searabbit2/".flickr/photos/searabbit2/ .flickr/photos/searabbit1/".flickr/photos/searabbit1/ .flickr/photos/museumofworldwonders2".flickr/photos/museumofworldwonders2 .flickr/photos/museumofworldwonders/".flickr/photos/museumofworldwonders/ .flickr/photos/takeshiyamadapaintings/".flickr/photos/takeshiyamadapaintings/ Reference (newspaper articles and reviews): online.wsj/article/SB10001424052748704828104576021750250667540.html" online.wsj/article/SB10001424052748704828104576021750... .villagevoice/2006-11-07/nyc-life/the-stuffing-dreams-are-made-of/" .villagevoice/2006-11-07/nyc-life/the-stuffing-dre... karlshuker.blogspot/2011/06/giant-sea-serpents-and-chupacabra.html" karlshuker.blogspot/2011/06/giant-sea-serpents-and-ch... Reference (fine art websites): .roguetaxidermy/members_detail.php?id=528" .roguetaxidermy/members_detail.php?id=528 .brooklynartproject/photo/photo/listForContributor?screenName=1tu1uc2ul9spp&xgi=&test-locale=&exposeKeys=&xgsi=&groupUrl=&groupId=&xg_pw=&page=4" .brooklynartproject/photo/photo/listForContributor... .bsagarts/member-listing/takeshi-yamada/" .bsagarts/member-listing/takeshi-yamada/ .horseshoecrab/poem/feature/takeshi.html" .horseshoecrab/poem/feature/takeshi.html Reference (other videos): .youtube/watch?v=otSh91iC3C4" .youtube/watch?v=otSh91iC3C4 .youtube/watch?v=BhIR-lz1Mrs" .youtube/watch?v=BhIR-lz1Mrs .youtube/watch?v=BttREu63Ksg" .youtube/watch?v=BttREu63Ksg
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